UBC MET Program ETEC 523:Mobile & Open Learning
Assignment 3
Presented by: Louisa Green
Alsan, M. (2022, January 12). The Best Machine Translation Software you can try in 2023. Weglot blog from https://weglot.com/blog/machine-translation-software/
B. D., By, Dickson, B., What is deep learning? TechTalks. https://bdtechtalks.com/2019/02/15/what-is-deep-learning-neural-networks/
Corporation, M. (n.d.). What is augmented reality (AR): Microsoft Dynamics 365. What is Augmented Reality (AR) | Microsoft Dynamics 365 from https://dynamics.microsoft.com/en-us/mixed-reality/guides/what-is-augmented-reality-ar/#:~:text=What%20is%20AR%3F,sensory%20stimuli%20via%20holographic%20technology.
Deepl translate: The world's most accurate translator. DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator. (n.d.). From https://www.deepl.com/en/translator
Digital Publishing. (2005). Translate. Amazon. From https://aws.amazon.com/translate/
Google. (n.d.). Google translate. From https://translate.google.com/
How close are we to a universal translator? YouTube. (2022, October 16). From https://youtu.be/M3cDN_PKIyo
How to translate using your google pixel buds pro. YouTube. (2022, July 27). From https://youtu.be/7ist0_mPSYM
Log into Facebook. Facebook. (n.d.). From https://www.facebook.com/cotoacademy/posts/keigo-means-formal-japanese-commonly-used-in-workplaces-talking-to-your-seniors-/3560994990790451/
TIMEKETTLE M2: How to use touch mode. YouTube. (2020, June 8). From https://youtu.be/BBMM7bjAf9g
What is Deep Learning: Deep Learning Machine Vision: Ait Goehner. AIT. (n.d.). From https://www.ait.de/en/deep-learning/
What is natural language processing? IBM. (n.d.).From https://www.ibm.com/topics/natural-language-processing
Will we ever see a real-life 'Star trek' universal translator? Built In. (n.d.). From https://builtin.com/machine-learning/universal-translator